After more than one year and 14 events in the finding a job in Australia, meetup, I thought it is enough information that I have to share, as to how to crack that first or the next job in this beautiful country. We had events around various topics like integration with culture, resume writing, cracking interviews, having the right mindset, what the recruiters want and many more, just to cater to the person looking for an opportunity here. It is difficult to summarize each and every event in one article and for some of them, please visit I have realized that job seeking is much like sales and it is all about numbers. Number of sales depends on number of quality leads generated and your conversion rate. Similarly, the number of job offers that you would get will depend on number of quality interviews that you get and then your conversion rate.
Are you getting enough interview calls?
The first question to ask is, are you getting enough interview calls? This is very important and it depends on two things:
- Your resume
- How are you applying?
Let us talk about your resume. Nobody has time to read pages and pages of resume. Have your resume concise and develop it between 3 to 5 pages. Try to have a good introduction, avoid adjectives and clearly mention your purpose and interest. For example, a good introduction can be
A Business Analyst, who understands the importance of providing the right solution to solve business problem and achieves it through understanding business needs and goals, translating them in language understood by business and technology team alike, and delivering it to solve the identified problem.
Cracking the interview – Are you ready?
This is a crucial step and the place where you close the deal. Before going into, what is it that people will look for, when you go for an interview, consider this – “Every conversation that you have is an interview”. Every coffee catch up, every phone conversation, every casual talk, is an interview, when you are looking for a job. For example, for a phone interview, are you ready for the question about, give an idea about your last job. In less than 30 seconds, can you use the right words to capture the attention of the person on the phone. Or for that matter, even the person that you are meeting? Prepare a script, write down but do not memorize. Let it flow naturally.
Follow the above and you should land your next job in 4 – 6 weeks of time maximum. If you are taking longer, it means you are missing out on one of these things. I hope you find this useful. Do let me know if you have more ways or points to add. And, if you are in Sydney, do join our meetup and attend the next event. The meetup can be found at